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Generating Changelogs

With dbFlow you have the possibility to create changelogs automatically. These are based on the commit messages of the commits that lead to a patch. The changelog file itself is kept as markdown. Additionally the changelog can be automatically processed (uploaded to the DB) during the deployment if there is a subdirectory named changelog in the reports-folder.


After creating the directory structure and environment files, the following variables were created in the build.env file.

INTENT_NAMES=( Features Fixes )
Name Meaning
CHANGELOG_SCHEMA With this scheme the changelog is processed by the reports directory
INTENT_PREFIXES The commit messages are grouped with this array of prefixes
INTENT_NAMES This array holds the labels of the prefixes, which then appear as headings in the actual changelog
INTENT_ELSE All messages not handled by the prefixes appear here
TICKET_MATCH RegularExpression to get the ticket number from the commit message
TICKET_URL URL to which the ticket number is appended

A template.sql file is stored in the reports/changelog directory by default. This file contains the code you have to change to upload this changelog as a clob to a target table.

For example like this:

    -------     TEMPLATE START            -------
    l_bin         >>> Content as blob of file
    l_file_name   >>> name of the file

    l_version varchar2(100);
    l_version := substr(l_file_name, instr(l_file_name, '_', 1, 2)+1);
    l_version := substr(l_version, 1, instr(l_version, '.', -1, 1)-1);

    -- START custom code
      insert into changelogs (chl_version, chl_date, chl_content)
       values (l_version, current_date, l_bin);
      when dup_val_on_index then
        update changelogs
           set chl_content = l_bin,
               chl_date    = current_date
         where chl_version = l_version;

    -- END custom code

    dbms_output.put_line(gc_green||' ... Version info uploaded: ' || l_version ||gc_reset);

    -------     TEMPLATE END              -------


# Project XYZ - Changelog

## Version 1.2.3 (2022-04-08)

### Features

* Changelogs and Version infos are now displayed
* Emailfrom is included in ref_codes based on stage #XYZ-69 [View](
* Managing total revenues per corporations #XYZ-71 [View](
* Reporting Dashboard includes total revenues #XYZ-72 [View](

### Others

* Add some unit tests
* Application processes outsourced to package
* Color Settings for VSCode
* Fix Refresh Facetted Search after transaction occured
* Refactored revenue_totals to be more testable
* Set missing max length
* Set plsql searchPath
* XYZ-50: Changed Buttontext on confirm Email [View](
* XYZ-50: Update Email text of invitation [View](
* XYZ-74: Aliases in own table [View](
* XYZ-74: Nach Nachfrage aus bestehenden Supplier einen Alias machen [View](

Generating Release Notes

Unlike changelogs, release notes are not generated from commit messages. Instead, they can be created as Markdown files. The release notes are stored as report templates in the reports/release_notes folder. In init mode, dbFlow concatenates all files beginning with the prefix release_log_ into a single file. In patch mode, only the modified files are merged. The files are sorted alphabetically.


First, the reports/release_notes directory must be created. Additionally, dbFlow expects a template.sql file. This file is executed when the release is applied and must follow this structure:

    -------     TEMPLATE START            -------
    l_bin         >>> file content as blob
    l_file_name   >>> filename

    dbms_output.put_line(gc_green||'File: ' || l_file_name ||gc_reset);
    dbms_output.put_line(gc_green||'Blob: ' || dbms_lob.getlength(l_bin) ||gc_reset);

    -------     TEMPLATE END              -------
The easiest way to do this is to use VSCode with the dbFlux plugin. Here you can then execute the command: dbFlux: Add REPORT Type.

The code between Begin and End can be adapted according to your own wishes. This means that the release notes can be inserted into a corresponding target table during import.

If the project mode is MULTI or FLEX, the variable RELEASENOTES_SCHEMA with the target schema must be defined in the build.env file. For example like this:


You are now ready to write the actual release notes.


Let's assume you work in sprints. Then you could create the following files.


## Version 1.2 (22.08.2024)

### Features

- Add due date to task record
- Add ability to check / uncheck tasks in classic report

### Fixes

- Fixed typo in modal dialog of task record


## Version 1.3 (23.08.2024)

### Features

- Add function to assign a user to a task

### Fixes

- Fixed error when submitting by doubleclick

In the case of an initial release, both files are copied together and processed by the template.sql file. And for a patch release 1.3.0, only the modified file reports/release_notes/ is passed through template.sql.

You can then determine how the header or footer looks in the possible target table for yourself by modifying the template.sql data.

You will always find the summarized ReleaseNotes file in the log directory.

Switching off the applications

During installation all known APEX applications will be set to unavailable. This is done by APEX's own API apex_util.set_application_status. The content of the file .dbFlow/maintence.html will be displayed as a message to the end user. But you have the option to use your own maintence.html file. dbFlow will first try to read the apex/maintence.html file. If it is found, the content will be displayed as a message. Otherwise the one that exists in the .dbFlow directory.


<title>Site Maintenance</title>
  body { text-align: center; padding: 20px; }
  '||'@'||'media (min-width: 768px){
    body{ padding-top: 200px; }
  h1 { font-size: 50px; }
  body { font: 20px Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #333; }
  article { display: block; text-align: left; max-width: 650px; margin: 0 auto; }
  a { color: #dc8100; text-decoration: none; }
  a:hover { color: #333; text-decoration: none; }

    <h1>We&rsquo;ll be back soon!</h1>
        <p>Sorry for the inconvenience but we&rsquo;re performing some maintenance at the moment. We&rsquo;ll be back online shortly!</p>
        <p>&mdash; The Team</p>

REST modules

Additionally, all REST modules are also unpublished during an installation.

MS Teams Notification

After a deployment dbFlow is able to send a message to a Microsoft Teams hook. All you have to do is to provide the hook link set the variable TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL.


Usage of environment variables

In addition to the installation mode (MODE) and the currently installed version (VERSION), you can use your own environment variables within the global hook SQL scripts from dbFlow 3.2 onwards. To be able to use environment variables, these must exist and be made known to dbFlow. For this purpose, dbFlow reads the variable VAR_LIST. As of version 3.2, this is generated in the apply.env file or can be added manually.

# List of Environment Vars to inject into global hooks, separated by colons

While dbFlow prepares the call of the global hooks, these are defined by SQLplus/SQLcl.

-- Example to show, how dbFlow prepars a var. You don't have to do this on your own

You can then use the variables in your hook scripts.

PROMPT ********************************************************************
PROMPT ********************************************************************
The output would look something like this

* VERSION:    1.2.3
* MODE:       patch
* STAGE:      develop
* DEPOT_PATH: ./_logs