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Get Started with dbFLow

dbFlow is a deployment tool / framework for database driven applications in the oracle environment, mainly in the area of Oracle APEX. With dbFlow you can create and deploy multi-layered applications. dbFlow is powered by Git and can build a deployment / patch from different commit states, which can then be rolled out to different target instances.


  • dbFlow is written completely in bash and requires an appropriate environment for this.
  • dbFlow uses Git to build the different releases and therefore requires a corresponding installation.
  • dbFlow uses either SQLplus or SQLcl to deploy the releases into the target database. Therefore one of the two tools must be available.

Get dbFLow

dbFlow expects itself as a .dbFlow subdirectory in an existing main directory or Git repository. The best way to do this is to add dbFlow as a submodule in the repository.

1. Create a Git repositoy

  $: mkdir demo && cd demo && git init

2. Add dbFlow as .dbFlow submodule to your Project

  $: git submodule add .dbFlow

That's it. Now you have dbFlow successfully installed.

Generate a dbFlow Project

3. Run setup to generate a Project

  $: .dbFlow/ --generate demo

4. Answer some question based on your requirements


If you call .dbFlow/ without arguments you will see the possible options as a help page.

More infos on using Setup

Install the Project basement and dependencies

5. Review files, generated for you and make some adjustments

After you run the setup process, dbFlow has created a very specific directory structure called SmartFS and a few scripts. The scripts used for the installation can be found in the db/_setup folder. You can modify them according to your needs or add new ones.


dbFlow comes with 4 features enabled by default. These are OOS Logger, utPLSQL, tePLSQL and OM Tapigen. If you don't need these features, you can delete the scripts from the folder db/_setup/features.

6. Run setup to install the Project

  $: .dbFlow/ --install


That's it. You now have prepared your database and your filesystem. Now you can start developing your applications. I recommened to use VSCode and the Extension dbFlux. dbFlux was created exactly for CI/CD in mind. Write files, execute files towards your development database connection, commit and push files to feed your pipelines, which were running dbFlow.
